Monday, May 19, 2014

Why Can't We All Just Get, really

Today one of the happiest moments I had was when my daughter needed help pulling up her pants after going pee-pee on the potty.  Why?  Because I said to her "oh honey you just can't get it over your bootie" and she replied "yeah, over my bootie".  My daughter is 2 and so she was saying bootie in that sweet 2-year old voice.  It made me so very happy!  It's been a very rough day and this just struck me as amazing, stopped me in my tracks amazing.

Have you ever had just one of those shitty days when you were like F it, I just want to go to bed, but you can't because you have little ones who want to be fed and all that shit?  Well, today was one and as usual, my child brought me out of it.  Well, for a little bit anyway.  I love those little crazy kids so much!

To elaborate, although not completely, my family as many others has a lot of conflict.  You know, the one relative that everyone has, or the kids touching each other, or why on earth would you spend all your money on that?  But really does it matter?  I had an epiphany today that it really doesn't.  That "relative" we all have will never change and everyone else understands because they have one too.  Unless you're destitute and haven't got the money to spend for food on the table, then buy that hideous whatever that everyone is eventually going to fight over after you die even though it's hideous, it represented you.  Or what about your iPad or whatever kind of pad you have?  Did we even have those like 10 minutes ago?  Why is it such a tragedy now that one gets broken?  What the F is with everyone getting so butt-hurt over nothing, just things?  They're just things...

So, what if, now call me crazy if you must, we stop focusing so much on the things we have and start really really trying to relish the moments.  I had a 92+ year old uncle who told me over the phone from across the country while on his death bed that nothing matters but the moments.  It's taken me a couple of years and a lot of fights over what other people are doing to realize he was really trying to save me all that heartache.  Now, I'm not sure how this is all going to work as I haven't ironed out the details.  And ironing out the details, making lists, prioritizing and organizing are what I try to do every day, usually unsuccessfully.  So, does that matter either?  Really?  What matters?  Well, all this conflict doesn't.  It brings stress and fights and I'm done with it.  Seriously...what matters?  My family, the moments they give me, my friends and those moments too.  Things are not going to make any difference once you lose a friend or family member, are they?  This is what matters...

MOMENTS!!  And apparently my 2 year old getting her pants pulled up over her bootie teeheeheehee!!

I will strive every day to make sure everyone I love knows it to the point of annoyance.  I will enjoy my daughter's little voice and my 4 year old son's theories on life (which are doozies and will be upcoming in future blogs).  So, when they're touching each other or "I'm not touching you" with their finger just a quarter inch away tormenting each other, I'll enjoy it.  I'll do everything I can to not swing wildly into the back seat until I make contact with something, usually something gross that made it onto the floor on a road trip snack time and festered a while.

Thank you fellow Momma Bloggers who have inspired me to write it down and share.  I hate to miss anyone, but People I Want to Punch in the Throat, Mom's Who Drink and Swear, and mylifesuckers, and the Underachiever's Guide to Being a Domestic Goddess, and The Klonopin Chronicles, and Bad Parenting Moments to name a few!!  I know my grammar might suck and my thoughts are kinda rambly, but if you can relate at all, I'd appreciate a Holla!!

Peace Out

1 comment:

  1. Anyone who knows you understands your ramblings, great first post!
    :) Can't wait to get life updates from you in blog now. Miss you lots. You.Go.Guurl!
