Saturday, May 24, 2014

A Yard Sale and the Hubster's ASS

I honestly don't know how to put into words the excitement at the farm today.  I guess I can start with my sewing fiasco last night.  Yes, I used up yet another bobbin and had to change it and well, it's still not threaded through the needle.  Can someone please tell me why on earth we need to sew from above AND below with a sewing machine?  I really just want one of those old pedal machines that is all very simple, no complicated parts and I have to pump with my foot.  At least I'd be getting exercise instead of angina!

Anyway, I digress, as usual.  So, we have a CRAP LOAD of stuff.  I mean a serious CRAP LOAD.  I know, I know we all say we have too much crap around or the kids toys are going to drive me crazy, but I kid you not, if I wasn't as anal as I am about things being organized, we would be blogging about the film crew from hoarders here at my house.  Soooooo much stuff I haven't purged a toy since the boy was born almost 5 years ago AND when we moved here to our home, home on the range, we merged ours and my mother's houses together.  Plus my mother and I both have a habit of hanging on to things too long thinking we'll use it some day and that day just doesn't exist.

Don't get me started on my hubster's collection of things he'll use some day.  Someone will surely have to call 911 because I might convulse.  It's something I try not to think about too often.  It makes me happier that way...until I go on a frenzy and re-organize his pile of stuff yet again and throw away all of the trash I cannot believe has collected under it.  How is something useful one day and trash the next?  It kinds of blows the mind if you really try to think about it too hard.  Oh man, I really need that...oh that's just crap.  Sigh....

It all started, my attempt to bring down my stress level, by posting some pieces of furniture on local trading post Facebook pages.  I didn't get a lot of response even though I gave them as all reasonable offers, perhaps even trades, would be considered.  NADA.  Hmm, what's wrong with my stuff?  Hmm?  Soooo, I posted it again and again like a mad woman so now surely no one will come because I'm insane, and right you would be to think it at this point.  Next I moved on to posting on Craigs List.  I've gotten many a cool find on there and I figured, I'm not asking much, it'll be a cinch.  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  Seriously, what is wrong with my stuff?

So, today I noticed there's a lot of Yard/Garage sales, I put up a sign, posted on said websites again and organized my garage into an area of sell-able stuff and stuff we're either keeping or donating.  And I sat down with a nice cool drink on the couch I was trying to sell.  Nothing, no one, nada.  What am I doing wrong?  I got a couple of calls about the postings, but we live too far out in the sticks for the drive to make the savings worth it.  A nice kid from next door came by and bought a couple odd things, but that was it.

Then in pulls my Hubster and his ASS!  AND a whole bunch more junk for the kids.  Now, I did know he was buying a donkey, haha get the pun now?  Donkey's are really great protectors if you have smaller animals like goats, so it was all good.  It didn't help much that I didn't sell all but 2 tiny things all day and he came home with several outdoor childrens play sets that my kids went wild for and they "just need a little work".  So, then we have to get the donkey off the trailer and into the pasture with the goats....

I feel like I should just stop here because my day had been quite enough adventure as it was, but I'll tell you what happened anyway.  First, the boy held a bucket of bribe food to coerce the donkey to come, it'll be easy, shake the food and it will come.  Well, stubborn as a mule...TRUTH!!  ABSOLUTE TRUTH!!  I was standing guard so the goats didn't try to escape.  Believe it or not, they can be quite wily when they see a way to freedom, whatever that means to a goat??  So, this tact wasn't working.  Boy, come over here and guard the goats and I got some carrots.  Here little girl, have a carrot.  She looked at me down her big old donkey face nose like I was holding a hardened piece of dog shit and bent down to eat the grass at her feet.

Great, it's about to pour, and we have like 25 feet to go.  This is a long way to move a large animal who has firmly planted herself to the ground.  What happened next was all short of a miracle and hilarious and I actually could not believe it was working.  I got behind her, Hubster on the side, and we pushed with all of our might and got her in the pasture, while laughing at the simplicity after trying all the bribery and drama of our previous attempts.

So, now I really need a shower because as I was pushing, my shirt got wet, don't ask, and donkey perfume is just not all that delightful.  Oh, and by the way, it's NOT raining.  Why?  Because it's Texas and it does what it wants!

Wahoo Y'all
Momma D

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