Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Puppy and Baby SH%# in the Yard

I just picked up my daughter's poop from the yard.  If I'm lyin', I'm cryin'!  I swear with all of my heart that I did indeed just have an incident where I had to pick up my daughter's poop from the yard.  It was not an accident.  It wasn't a sudden burst that she just couldn't hold in, no!  Apparently, she had to poop, so she dropped trou and did it, right there, no kidding.

I was inside the house picking up the endlessly multiplying (I swear they procreate at night) toys in the "family room", when I hear Nana outside yelling for me.  What Ma?  Your daughter just pooped in the yard, to which the boy added and it's green Mom, gross.  Not the fact that she pulled down her pants, squatted, and pooped in the yard that was gross.  No, it was the color of it according to the boy.

Now, I had just taken the children out after dinner for "our" nightly chores, yeah our, and one of them was picking up the dogs poop piles.  Yes, they do go out ahead of me and site out the piles and yell frantically when they find one, but ultimately, I'm the poop picker upper.  So, I suppose in some way it just made sense to her.  Mommy cleans out my potty when I poop, what's the diff?  Hmm?

As tempting as it may sound to just let her be free and live like the animals, which in fact isn't far off and we could build her a coop (seriously kidding?), I feared immediately that if I didn't nip this one in the bud.  Well, it would be a hard time explaining the first time she does it at a friend's house, or say the playground at school?  I'm afraid I may have stopped her mid poop and that won't be good for anyone, but I just couldn't let it go on any farther.

I suppose it's also partly my fault because when she started dropping trou to pee in the yard, I just let her go.  Heck, I even giggled and posted about it.  She's 2, it was kind of funny. She's just my free and easy little one.  Makes perfect sense to her, and she does everything with complete abandon, so imagine the implications of pooping whenever the urge were to hit her.

Even though, this too was funny enough for me to write about, it cannot go on!  Maybe we have too many animals?  There is, in fact, a lot of poop cleaning that goes on here around our mini-farm.  Hopefully, it won't happen again, but I suspect that it probably will.

After all, everybody poops, right?

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