Friday, May 23, 2014

Pea Hens and Migraines

4,527!  That is the approximate number of times I have asked my son to put away his toys and get dressed today.  0 is the number of times that he did it.  Yes, you can argue with me whether 0 is truly a number, blah blah blah, or that it would be a reasonable example considering my well blown up number of times asked.  Whatever, this is not a purity of numbers debate.

So, I just do not get it.  I've even gone as far as telling him that I had this super cool project he could do with Mommy if he just went ahead, changed out of his jammies, and put his toys away.  NADA folks, N-A-D-A!  Why?  Can someone please explain to me why?  Nothing works.  Good cop, bad cop, bribery, smack on the butt, grounding, no tv, no Leap Pad...literally nothing works.  He just simply does not want to do it.

I'll tell you what he does want to do.  He wants to touch, pick up, bother, and otherwise fondle those damned pea hens my husband coerced the family into needing last night.  Yes, honey I know they are Guinea Fowl, not pea hens, but that's the name that for some reason has stuck in my head.  Maybe it's the migraine, or the cause of the migraine, I'm not sure which.  Hmm, funny which comes first, the migraine or the Guinea Fowl.

So, as on my usual blogs that run in circles and make no sense, but I hope you read them anyway, yesterday we got 10 teeny tiny little pea hens, yes Guinea Fowl.  Why?  What on earth made you go out and get these birds of which I have never hear ever in my life except maybe I've seen them at the zoo?  Well, first I'm being told that I agreed to get them earlier that day via an IM message by saying "Sure, I guess".  Hmm, stock answer...note to self, start considering to what I'm agreeing more thoughtfully.  Anyway, I was so distracted by other goings on (see previous blogs for examples) I don't even have the slightest memory of being asked if we could get said Guinea Fowl.

Hubster arrives home last night and he's giddy with excitement of going to purchase these ($3 each, great bargain) pea hens.  He's all excited, getting the kidlings all excited, and all of a sudden I come to and realize what's going on.  I say What the hell is a Guinea Fowl?  I don't want those, are you kidding me?  Ok, yes it was the migraine talking (mystery solved migraine came first) but I swear to whatever it is you worship that I had no idea about these birds or why we were getting them.

Arguement, denial, dinner, not hungry, I don't want them anymore and if the snakes come on the property it's your fault, etc., maybe it's best if we throw it all out the window over the pea hens, you know the drill of misunderstanding and the passion that ensues...

Then, ok why do we have to have these birds and what the hell are they?  Hubster is showing some excitement again.  Well, they are kinda like chickens but not.  They are tastier (always his answer) and they will kill any snakes on the property.  Ok, what about the hens we have, won't there be a problem.  Our hens are BIG not go in there with naked toes, I'm telling you!  Well, when they get as big as or bigger than the hens, they're going to bully the hens.

Hmm, I'm still perplexed at the pure need to have these new birds on our property except the snake deterrent.  I do not like me any snakes, no sir no ma'am!!  So, I cave, we go to get them and we had the most wonderous hour of our week.

This farm had every type of bird you could imagine and thousands of them.  They were colorful and beautiful.  There were big ones, small ones, loud ones, baby ones, Momma ones, and every other kind of ones you could possibly think of.  Now, the kids?  Well, my son it turns out has a nose for finding all of the eggs and bringing them to the owner, thank goodness that was ok.  My daughter, she liked the cat.

So now we have yet 10 more creatures on our adventure of a farm or whatever this is.  I'm obviously still trying to sort out how to be home with 2 small children, but heck let's keep adding to the brood, who can it hurt?  Hubster, that is not meant literally please note my sarcasm.  I truly don't mind when I get to have such an exciting adventure, but one of these days I'd like to just sit.  I'd like to just sit and stare at a wall, or the fields, for no reason at all.  Just to sit.  Until then we'll have eggs, cats, pea hens (aka Guinea Fowl), etc etc etc.  Who knows what the future holds?  I just hope it keeps away those migraines!

xoxo to check up on the boy woohoo!  HAPPY WEEKEND!

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