Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Chaos Ensues Amongst Human Animals and Sewing Machines

So, now I know why my Grandmother preferred to sew everything, and I mean everything, by hand.  I have been wrangling with my "new-fangled" (as she would call it) sewing machine for about 6 hours over the past 2 days just to insert a bobbin.  Sigh.  I'm about to try it one more time to see if this time was indeed a success, but I got inspired by something and had to get it down.  The chaos happening around me while I am trying to push 2 threads through an entirely too small hole...sounds familiar yet matters for another blog.

What I hear as I'm concentrating "stop pulling the scales off that snake your Dad is going to kill you".  Um, snake?  Oh yeah, my hubster mounted the skin of a snake that was killed, not in a hunt, but next to a friends car as they were entering and didn't want to get bit.  Said snake was killed while my hubster was sleeping, so he didn't find out about the decaying animal until the next day.  He was entirely devastated it has not been immediately prepped to eat so he just skinned it and made his trophy (no, he didn't kill it either).  Anyway, my son apparently thought it was fun to pull it apart one scale at a time ewwww.

In addition my daughter is slithering on the floor (you see the snake theme here, right?) yet she's not making the obligatory sssssssssssss sound for a snake.  She is laughing maniacally in a way I'm close to wondering if she needs a straight jacket.  My guess is a nap.  The question is, do I have time to take one with her?  Hmm...nap, sew, nap, sew.  Well, the sewing will get me closer to finishing the camper so we can get away for the weekends as cheaply as possible and listen to all this same mania while looking at trees.  Hmm, and camping (as great as it is once you get there) is so much work to prepare, am I right?  Or am I way too OCD?

Next, I hear my son "Mom, look what kind of bug I found".  Do I turn around and look?  Would you?  Here in Texas, we have MANY bugs and yes they are HUGE!  Sometimes circa 1950s SCARY HUGE!  Not always harmful, but nevertheless.  Then..."Mom, it's dead and I don't know what to do with it", ok so I look.  It's just a beetle who came into a seemingly safe place not knowing the horrors it would face in my home. My children are fascinated by everything bug and I must be involved in or notified of every find, study, squish, etc.  Ooh another good one I just heard, and not for the first time "Mom, I just caught a fly and pulled it's wings off, did you know it walks like a spider now..."  OMG, right?  Scary?  I don't know.  Kid?  Yes.  And yes, it's out of it's misery.  AND we had the talk about torture (effective? time will tell.  Praying? yes!)

Anyway, I have digressed, too many times I think.  The point is that the soundtrack to my life would most definitely send most people over the edge (well, non-parents or aspiring parents mostly I guess), or at the very least make them wonder which side of the sanity scale we fall.  I'm feeling pretty sure it all averages out to being normal, but the extremes are what would get you ;)

Very very recently we had a dear friend stay for a week.  I can tell you that the night before he left, I for sure saw an involuntary twitch start in his left eye.  No shit!!  To be honest, I really didn't hear much of what they were saying/doing when he finally said "would you guys please stop making so much noise, I don't know how you take it".  I was surprised it took him so long to say something, but to me it's just like background white noise.  I barely hear it.

Ok, so back to my chaos, going to sew...either new fangled or conventional, it doesn't matter.  I will continue to have the background "music" of confusion playing.  I know for sure that we have administered some seriously effective birth control over the last week without even trying, and we did it by just being us.  So come over if you need some, it's free and my kiddos LOVE to inform new people of everything they know!!

So this is yet another epiphany of the beauty of life...I'm never quite sure of how ANY day will turn out.  And today is certainly no exception, the house doesn't look much different than it did when I woke today.  That used to bother me so much that I didn't accomplish exactly what was on the list.  Now, the best laid plans....are always an adventure!  And I love them!  The bugs, um, notsomuch.



  1. You are doing great Tammy! Sewing takes a bit of patience, practice and some basic knowledge. If you don't have a manual for your machine download one from the internet. I realized I was putting my needle in wrong which caused the tension to be all F***** up. Needle size/type and thread also make a difference. I general use the standard/general, but if you are trying to sew heavy fabric (jeans, etc), you really need a heavy duty needle and thread. The best advice I gave myself is - it's not going to be perfect. If the tension is a little slack or the line is a little wobbly here and there, I can live with it. I'm not on Project Runway!!

    1. I downloaded the manual and everything, still the damned thing took me hours to figure out. No, my lines are NOT straight even a little and NO I don't care. I am trying my hand at curtains now LOL!!!! I don't know what happened to me, but I think I might be losing my mind just a little bit. Seriously wishing I was working in the lab right now :)

  2. LOL I know right!!?? Waiting for those plating and pipetting skills to become useful again!

  3. It was so quiet in there...sigh. Currently trying to have a few moments of Mommy quiet time. As usual the boy has to "hang out" with me. I'll be quiet Mom while he bombards me with questions. Just asked me if Super heroes poop too...thoughts?
