Thursday, June 19, 2014

Crazy and Cuddly Chickens?

He was free, the Hubster said excitedly when he brought the freaky looking rooster out of the box.  The other one was five bucks, so I figure I got the roosters for a bargain $2.50 each.  Yes, the Hubster is always on line for a bargain.  Cheap or free, but free is always better, right?  Well, in terms of roosters for our hens, that is debatable!

I have no idea how to describe our "free" chicken except to say he looks like he's certifiably insane!  He has crazy black feathers that dart from his head in all directions.  He has a freakishly long neck and he walks around like he is the coolest chicken, albeit craziest, on the block.  The cock of the walk, if I may say.  Speaking of, the Hubster has also integrated "cock" jokes to his repertoire in all of this and I'm beginning to suspect he got El Pollo Loco simply for the jokes.  This morning he sent me an IM stating that he "let his cock out this morning" and since there are 2, he has declared that he's had "surgery to implant 2 cocks".  As is was a little funny the first time, like poop and fart humor, this too will get old fast!

But I usual.

The crazy free chicken had to be put in a dog crate by itself last night.  Apparently he was never taught manners and was terrorizing the hens in their coop.  I can report that today has been a better day, there are a few hens hanging out with this beast.  I have also learned today that he is as fast as lightning.  NO, seriously this chicken can book it across the run like nobody's business!  When he runs, he looks like he is on fire.  His crazy black and a few brown feathers blow in the wind.  But he's pretty funny to watch, and I think he's getting a get out of jail free card.

Chicken, or rooster excuse me, is cuddly.  I'm seriously not kidding.  My son has taken to him and the bird lets him hold him in his arms and he nuzzles in for a cuddle.  He likes to go for rides in the kids' police car.  Yes, a bird on patrol.  I'm not sure why or how, but we seem to get the odd ones out in this family.  Maybe we are odd ones ourselves?  Well, not maybe!

Ok, so on a more serious note, the crazy one.  He was free and probably because he was a problem child as demonstrated in last nights terrorization antics.  No, I'm pretty sure it's NOT a word, but I think it fits!  Anyway, I'm pretty sure he is the way he is because at some point in his short chicken life, he was abused and/or neglected.  His wings were clipped, perhaps to keep him from taking off, but his disposition is honestly terror.  He's afraid of everyone human and especially afraid of our dog.  I personally don't blame him as we are all significantly larger than he is.  Anyway, I think the mellowing of today (which was slight and barely noticable) came because he has had fresh water and food and a place to scratch and run around for the first time in his life.  Both roosters were completely amazed with dirt and grass.  Snuggles just because he's young and was kept inside and didn't have the room to run, but crazy because he was neglected.  I'm very happy that they are BOTH here.

I joke and make fun of the Hubster because he makes decisions based on things being free and sometimes those decisions aren't always well thought out.  We persevere and make it work most of the time.  And I'm pretty sure he didn't take notice to the state of the bird so much when he heard the word free.  He was, however, the first to say he thinks that Loco (I'm throwing around different names as I'm not sure what to call him yet) was treated badly.  As it was with our puppy, our 60 pound puppy, these animals were not cared for especially.  I don't personally know what their past lives held before they arrived at our hodge-podge household, but it doesn't matter anymore.  There's a lot of love in our home and on our land for all these animals.  We are happy to have them.  And yes, some will become dinner some day.  They will all have very happy lives until their last days, no matter how they come!

Love Y'all!
Momma D

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